Thursday, June 2, 2016

MTC Week Two/Three (late post catching up the blog)

I missed posting the second week in the MTC so here it is! First of all, i just wanted to let everyone know that our Savior Jesus Christ and God our Heavenly Father LOVES each and every one of us deeply, he knows us personally and everything going on in our lives, all he wants us to do is to talk to him.. so try it! OK so onto this week We had Dallin H Oaks come talk it was absolutely insane, he had such a powerful message i learned so much from him. its amazing how the spirit can guide you with just by praying before the talk and seeking to learn from it and to understand it, we can all pray to understand the scriptures (they can be confusing to read sometimes) but if you pray to seek and gain the knowledge you WILL realize the difference. PRAY ALWAYS is something that's been huge for me, it can overcome any discouragement. Any thoughts of the adversary. boom gone. i love it. this week at the MTC has been another awesome one. The power of the priesthood is unbelievable. i've learned more than i could ever imagine here and it has brought so much happiness, the Gospel will bless your life truly. So my teacher Sister Karatti,a close friend of hers; hes been investigating the church and has been accepting to come to the MTC and talk with missionaries, she invited him to come to our class for a group discussion, let me just say... it was life changing for me and him, this dude had been so prepared by God before this he felt the spirit instantly, that's the key to most things, God will prepare his children in many mysterious ways in order to make the ready to hear the Gospel. i have learned to talk more bold and be firm with my belief, It also is much easier because i can truthfully tell people that this Gospel is TRUE. when i was inspired to share something with him all i said was " Heavenly Father' in a  powerful voice and he stopped me right away, i couldnt even really get off what i was going to finish haha, but he just stops me and says it gave him chills to him just hearing that, and he felt a swelling in his heart (news flash thats the spirit baby!). its so amazing watching people get a glimpse of our life before life on Earth and how the gospel will just have that familiar "ring" to them. i cant even describe the rest what happened it was unreal such a sacred experience, i know anyone can feel this way no matter how their life has been if you're just willing to hear Gods message it will change your life.. At the end of the discussion, an Elder in my disctrict towards the end had him hold HIS nice set of scriptures. and the body language of Kainoa was amazing the spirit smacked him in the face. We asked what do you feel when you hold them, he teared up and said "i wanna open it" the Elder said "there YOURS now" the dude was in so much shock it was a true act of our Savior. we all signed the scriptures. Freakin awesome experience people. This change is for everybody, and the best part about Gods love for us, is we don't even have to change ourselves, just give yourself to Him, let him know you want to know, and he will fill you with peace and joy, that "swelling in your heart" He cant do much if we just sit around waiting for a sign or a feeling, you need to DESIRE it and act upon that desire, i promise of you this can happen for you whether you're  already a member of the church or not, Gods arm is extended for us with open arms waiting for us to make that single step. TRY IT. but it wont be easy, you have to desire it. want it... every single day i grow so much and have been learning to keep the holy ghost as a constant companion. you're literally unstoppable, remains faith to be unshaken. i love it. I completely blame this change in my upon my Savior Jesus Christ as i have been humbling myself before him, the change of heart takes place, he has the power to make you a better man or woman, surrender yourself to him and you will change and be a much happier, loving, forgiving person. I Share these sacred experiences with you only because i personally love each of you who is reading this blog, i know this will help your life here and for eternity. 

So i'm now a  Zone Leader!! so sick. i couldn't feel more worthy of the position either its amazing. 
i also gave the priesthood lesson this last Sunday on "ENDURING TO THE END AND CREATING THE PATTERN FOR LIFE" it went so awesome. i can honestly say i killed it everyone else loved it, i had no idea i had this type of motivating teaching capability in me lol but its not just me hint hint ;) ... My branch presidency is so awesome.
Everything at the MTC is on a whole nother spiritual level. Sacrament, temple, studying, praying, everything its freaking amazing, if you put effort into treating things more spiritual you WILL realize the difference rather than just going through the motions. WITH FAITH YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS. Always be believing in Gods works, put your trust in Him, He will help you better yourself in any aspect. FORGET YOURSELF! Remember that. Piece out love you, all your support puts fire in me. Talk with me sometime. Off to work!! - Elder Jacobson

*disregard the grammar and spelling i have to type at blazing speeds*

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