Monday, June 20, 2016


What is up my sweet family and friends!
I have some exciting news to share with you all. All of those who have been reading my blog shout out to you, and if you're a new reader also shoutout to you because you're all the SO ya boy Elder Jacobson is MISSION BOUND..again..! Just feelin' super ecstatic right now so excuse my enthusiasm. After this suuuper long almost 2 months of wondering each week when i will return to the field i can now say that it has come to an end. I got the OK, I will be returning to Canada! I just flew to SLC, UT and i will fly to Canada tomorrow morning the 21st. Its an interesting situation i have here, i will be going to Canada with a rookie group from the MTC (I guess im still a rookie too, oops) but I was givin a brilliant idea to explain to the other Elders/Sisters why they didn't get the opportunity to skip the MTC?! Oh c'mon guys they didnt give you that option?! LOL but anyways its going to be fun to create some new friendships with some new Missionaries along the way. Been having some DejaVu along with this experience, more goodbyes with my family which was a double wammy on sadness but its all good ill be back in 2 years MA! for real this time... Theres a little flipside to this, so apparently it will be a 50/50 chance if Canada will admit me to their country, the church and myself have done all we can thus far in this situation but i guess they wont give me a solid yes or no... So i will present myself to immigration again and it basically rules down to wherever Heavenly Father wants me to be, if i am meant to be in Canada then some hearts will be softened and i will be there, if not.. The church has felt to direct my presence to the New Hampshire, Manchester Mission! God works in mysterious ways and it comes down to trusting in his plan, he has a plan for me, wherever i will go, it will be his will, and i am more than willing to do all that He asks of me. I am pumped for either Mission, it doesnt matter where i go, i am there to help others to come unto Christ. Sometimes in life we may not know why things are happening or what brought things to play out the way they do, but its a matter of just trusting in God's plan for us, after all his plan directs us to everlasting happiness, sometimes it may be something we do not want to do, but its something we ought to do, just believe in the works, have faith in whatever happens in our lives, and make the upmost best out of everything we do giving a full effort and watch miracles happen. One thing i have been going through and its something everybody can do and i may have said this before, but just allow Heavenly Father and our Savior to change you, surrender yourself accept the change, we are not meant to remain the same throughout our lives, always progressing, if you seek the Lords help and take part of the Atonement, we will be guided through many things and ways in our lives to help us reach the potential we are here to become. TRUST in anything that goes on in our lives, good or bad, there will always be opposition in ALL things, its up to you to choose where you want to take it. I can tell you very confidently that if you seek help and guidance from Heavenly Father you will know what is right and what you need to do. The plan is for us to be HAPPY and i promise each and everyone of you that happiness is found by centering your life around Christ, allow Him to change you, to make you the better man or women. Continue to practice charity and you will become a much happier person, love those around you, accept them and encourage them in all things. I say these things because i have personally experienced it, though i still have so much work to do. You control ALL of the thoughts and actions you do, if youre thinking negative you have the power to change it, if certain things seem hard to overcome dont be afraid to call upon the Powers of Heaven to help you in all things. Call upon the Heavens for help and guidance in all things, exercise faith, and be believing that it is there to help you, i promise you it is, but its all what you personally do to make of it. Nobody is perfect we will fall short, get back up and fight harder than you ever have, realize your weakness and look to strength from Heavenly Father, my family and friends, I love you all, i share these things because i know it can help each of us, personally through this recent trial i have gone through it has helped me greatly, and all of my thanks goes to the big Man upstairs for the strength and love that i have felt through it. I wanted to thank all of those who have reached out to me, you have said some amazing words to me, i will forever be so very grateful for. I love you all so much and my thanks and gratitude for you is hard to express but it truly means so much. It may be another week until you will find out until im in Canada or New Hampshire, but off to work baby!! -Elder Jacobson

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


My dearest Family and friends!
 I know I have been terrible on posting upon my first month of my mission entry into Canada. I am now here to explain why! It’s a pretty long story so you might need some popcorn! Some have been worried and others may just not know why I have stopped weekly emails, well I can tell you that there is a very good reason behind it. Though I could not explain all of this from the beginning I did not want to worry anyone or have any misconception to the reasoning. Now perhaps at this time I am confident in the works that are currently happening; I will begin this letter by saying WOW! this first month has been a roller coaster! Probably the biggest trial that I have had, but at the coming of the end of this trial I can truly say that this is a pure blessing in very many aspects. Those who may not know I entered the MTC on April 20th 2016, I was there for a total of 3 weeks. I departed the MTC on May 10th 2016 to head off to Edmonton Alberta Canada to begin my beloved Mission! I flew from SLC, UT first to Seattle, WA which by the way is absolutely beautiful! its freakin sweet there (though I only flew over it) but I’m sure you know what I mean brah. SO then I flew off to Edmonton airport in Alberta Canada. Upon arrival I approached immigration. I will try to explain myself in a way I do not wish to lie at all at any point of this letter so I wish you please do not judge me in any way upon certain things. I previously had made some mistakes almost two years ago. The first question the immigration Officer will ask is if you have been arrested or convicted, I had to mention certain things to this Officer I do not wish to get into because I do not want to bring them about, I will however, ease your mind and tell you that it's not terrible things, simply other than to say I had made some mistakes. So to begin I will say that immigration are very strict upon entries, and Canada is strict and their laws are different than ours here in the US. To keep this short in a sense this Officer did not admit me into their Country, basically I was not allowed to enter into Canada. This was a very very devastating thing for me, to see that the mistakes I had overcome, changed, and refined myself was actually affecting me to begin my beloved Mission that I had worked so very hard to get to, and to measure up to. As devastated as I was it would have been very easy for me to just give up and go home and call it good. I will try to humbly say, that isn’t my personality at all, I will never give up the most important 2 years that will happen in my very lifetime. It was very struggling to bring myself to be accepting as to what was happening, but from the change, growth, and much strength that our loving Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ has blessed each and every one of us with and offers us to receive is to come unto Him. So in this instance I threw any doubt or discouragement over my head and turned for strength and answers from our dearest loving Heavenly Father because in the end he has answers to all of life’s struggles or challenges and many more things, and he is ALWAYS there to help us through them as long as we have trust and faith in Him. So after immigration had denied my rights to enter I had called the mission offices to look for guidance and help to this situation I was set flight plans back to the US, the church is so awesome they already had set up a lawyer for me to get this sorted out, pretty sweet anyways, after this I had sat down and it was my first opportunity to toss up a divine prayer to Heavenly Father, my mind was still going everywhere and kinda panicking, however I did not instantly receive an answer to what was going on, but I was very impressed to write this Officer a letter, it was a very odd distinct impression but I could not deny it. So I did I wrote the officer a letter, thanking him, apologizing, and other things. I am sharing this because there is a significance to this action in which I received a call and from the lawyer and he stated that "he had never worked with any Officer that is so willing to get someone into their country" and that the officer told my lawyer "the letter that Elder Jacobson wrote me has greatly impacted me as a person"(the officer that denied my rights to enter). Truly that impression to write this letter was for a great reason, and it has helped me greatly upon my entry by returning to Canada. If you are willing to "turn-outward" in your grief or affliction it can have a major impact on others, always have charity, a love for everybody. Ok so the officer comes up to me tells me that some people want to talk to me, that person was my Mission President, So I got all of my things and proceeded. I was able to talk with my Mission Pres. for a little he was quite comforting and a great man, we only got to talk for a little because he needed to attend to my travel group. So I was escorted to my first flight and the officer had left me for a little. I want all to know who is reading this that every incident is very true to its fullest and I would not lie concerning these things, and which I hold very sacred to myself. As I was waiting it was my next opportunity I was able to just pray and talk with Heavenly Father, I poured my heart out to Him I still did not know what was going on, I hadn’t had much comfort yet because I was so devastated from this happening, it was a very heartfelt and sincere prayer, and before I share, I want you all to know that if you treat your prayers much more sacred, more sincere, from your heart with a true meaning they WILL be answered you just need to trust and have faith that it will. I promise you. I was very bold in this prayer but loving of course, I needed a sign, I needed comfort. instantly... right after my prayer this man just came and sat by me, he says "where you off to Elder" i was struck with amazement, he was such a happy, caring and loving man. I was crying immediately because of this miracle. I told him basically what was going on and why, really brief, he then told me that he was a Bishop, I do not remember his name I apologize, but we talked for a little more, I was basically crying the whole time talking with him, I would even look around and nobody was staring or anything which was comforting, I cannot tell you everything he said to me but everything he had said to me was what my soul truly needed to hear, I was filled with happiness, with joy and peace. The officer came up to me and said we gotta go, I got my things and this man still just sat there smiling at me, I thanked the man deeply for everything, and he continued just to smile at me, I can truly share that this smile filled me with an everlasting happiness I hadn’t ever felt in my life, I would like to compare this as if God were smiling at me and hugging me. Truly something I had never felt. Me and the officer proceeded to the terminal he had talked with me a little bit, and I told him I don’t know what your belief in God is, but I just know that whatever is happening to me is God’s plan, that everything that happens is for a reason, reasons us as people we may never understand until later, and that God works in mysterious ways. After I had said these things to him he was amazed. I kept thanking the officer for what he had done and all the help he provided, which is probably hard to realize because this officer was a complete jerk, I was as kind as possible even the puppy dog eyes wouldn't work, sheesh! He had such a hard heart, but in the end I could see how his heart was immensely softened by certain things. he stated "you keep thanking me for this horrible thing, and all I’m doing is my job" his tone was very kind at this point, he asked if I would try to come back or to get another call issued in the States, it was like he wanted me to come back haha, he gave me a really firm handshake and told me good luck. as I boarded the plane I felt that I needed to read the scriptures, that’s the only place I would love to go to find comfort and peace in many trials and affliction or life pertaining events, I was impressed to read in Ether 12 in the Book of Mormon, so I did, I read a few things but the one that stuck out to me the most was verses 9,11,12 it reads"9: Wherefore, ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have faith" 11:"Wherefore, by faith was the law of Moses given. But in the gift of his Son hath God prepared a more excellent way; and it is by faith that it hath been fulfilled" 12:"For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith." These particular verses I was truly meant to read in this time. I then knew that I had to truly trust in Gods works and have faith in them, I was again filled with happiness and love. I knew that it would be ok. SO in the end of all of this, I was actually sent home to Arizona, the next day being home on May 11th, I had gone and gotten everything cleared so that there would no longer be any immigration issues for me. it wasn’t all handled that day of, it has been a very timely process, and that’s where this trial has been its hardest on me, but now to look back this is a pure blessing, very many blessings as small as getting my immigration information cleared, and just by how I have prepared myself in this mean time, I have still been set apart as a missionary this whole month so I had to keep certain standards, I treated every day as if I were a missionary. I can truly say that I am a much more prepared Missionary than I ever was, though I was very prepared once I left the MTC but now I can truly say that the potential which I have been brought to is such a blessing to me. I won’t get into much of that but many miracles have been caused because of faith and prayer and trusting in our Savior Jesus Christ, and God our Heavenly Father. This message has been long enough so I will spare those stories, but just know that getting my immigration record cleared is a miracle itself, I was told that they make the term go until completion, but I had it instantly dismissed for me. The power that comes with the gift of faith, prayer, and fasting is truly such an amazing gift that we are all blessed with. I used to think the saying "life isn’t fair" was very true, but now I can truly say life is completely fair, it’s just up to us to make it that way, and a major key in doing that is by building your relationship with God and our Savior, they love all of us so very much and provide many things for us to accomplish anything, all we need to do is ask, believe, trust, be sincere and loving to our Savior and Heavenly Father. "For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them." My dearest family and friends and whomever is reading this, I testify these things to be true, I would not lie, I would not exaggerate, the power of the heavens is real, believe in it and love it. We can be guided through many of life’s obstacles with the help of God and Savior, not only obstacles or trials, but to succeed in goals, career, and in many aspects of good you want in life, it doesn’t need to be called upon when you are only in great need, the power of it is truly a blessing to us as Gods children and he wants us to use it. I just want everyone to know that if you are seeking a change for yourself, you do not need to work to change yourself at all, give yourself to Heavenly Father, FORGET YOURSELF let Him change you. You will find yourself becoming a much kinder, loving, honest person and many other things without even knowing it. You will have a burning desire to live righteously as the change of heart takes place, just allow Heavenly Father to take control in your life and you will find yourself changing more than you could ever imaging, you will find TRUE happiness in this life and for eternity. There are so many blessing I can get into but I want you to find out for yourself;) I want everyone to know that I will be back on my mission by the end of this week I am just waiting on the for sure date I am leaving, thank you for all the love and support you have for me and for everybody, I am truly grateful for that. And to any who have supported me through and before the MTC with gifts and messages and tips I truly am forever thankful for that. To my family, extended family, I love you guys so much and don’t be worried about me, good things are in the works and to come. Yes, it was a bumpy beginning but much greater things are ahead for me, and for all of us. "For after much tribulation come the blessings!" "Look unto me in every thought: DOUBT not, FEAR not. I love you all and I can’t wait to share more of this journey that’s to come, and please reach out to me and share your many journeys that are there for you! Thanks for everything, and have a good day EH! - Sincerely Elder Jacobson!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

MTC Week Two/Three (late post catching up the blog)

I missed posting the second week in the MTC so here it is! First of all, i just wanted to let everyone know that our Savior Jesus Christ and God our Heavenly Father LOVES each and every one of us deeply, he knows us personally and everything going on in our lives, all he wants us to do is to talk to him.. so try it! OK so onto this week We had Dallin H Oaks come talk it was absolutely insane, he had such a powerful message i learned so much from him. its amazing how the spirit can guide you with just by praying before the talk and seeking to learn from it and to understand it, we can all pray to understand the scriptures (they can be confusing to read sometimes) but if you pray to seek and gain the knowledge you WILL realize the difference. PRAY ALWAYS is something that's been huge for me, it can overcome any discouragement. Any thoughts of the adversary. boom gone. i love it. this week at the MTC has been another awesome one. The power of the priesthood is unbelievable. i've learned more than i could ever imagine here and it has brought so much happiness, the Gospel will bless your life truly. So my teacher Sister Karatti,a close friend of hers; hes been investigating the church and has been accepting to come to the MTC and talk with missionaries, she invited him to come to our class for a group discussion, let me just say... it was life changing for me and him, this dude had been so prepared by God before this he felt the spirit instantly, that's the key to most things, God will prepare his children in many mysterious ways in order to make the ready to hear the Gospel. i have learned to talk more bold and be firm with my belief, It also is much easier because i can truthfully tell people that this Gospel is TRUE. when i was inspired to share something with him all i said was " Heavenly Father' in a  powerful voice and he stopped me right away, i couldnt even really get off what i was going to finish haha, but he just stops me and says it gave him chills to him just hearing that, and he felt a swelling in his heart (news flash thats the spirit baby!). its so amazing watching people get a glimpse of our life before life on Earth and how the gospel will just have that familiar "ring" to them. i cant even describe the rest what happened it was unreal such a sacred experience, i know anyone can feel this way no matter how their life has been if you're just willing to hear Gods message it will change your life.. At the end of the discussion, an Elder in my disctrict towards the end had him hold HIS nice set of scriptures. and the body language of Kainoa was amazing the spirit smacked him in the face. We asked what do you feel when you hold them, he teared up and said "i wanna open it" the Elder said "there YOURS now" the dude was in so much shock it was a true act of our Savior. we all signed the scriptures. Freakin awesome experience people. This change is for everybody, and the best part about Gods love for us, is we don't even have to change ourselves, just give yourself to Him, let him know you want to know, and he will fill you with peace and joy, that "swelling in your heart" He cant do much if we just sit around waiting for a sign or a feeling, you need to DESIRE it and act upon that desire, i promise of you this can happen for you whether you're  already a member of the church or not, Gods arm is extended for us with open arms waiting for us to make that single step. TRY IT. but it wont be easy, you have to desire it. want it... every single day i grow so much and have been learning to keep the holy ghost as a constant companion. you're literally unstoppable, remains faith to be unshaken. i love it. I completely blame this change in my upon my Savior Jesus Christ as i have been humbling myself before him, the change of heart takes place, he has the power to make you a better man or woman, surrender yourself to him and you will change and be a much happier, loving, forgiving person. I Share these sacred experiences with you only because i personally love each of you who is reading this blog, i know this will help your life here and for eternity. 

So i'm now a  Zone Leader!! so sick. i couldn't feel more worthy of the position either its amazing. 
i also gave the priesthood lesson this last Sunday on "ENDURING TO THE END AND CREATING THE PATTERN FOR LIFE" it went so awesome. i can honestly say i killed it everyone else loved it, i had no idea i had this type of motivating teaching capability in me lol but its not just me hint hint ;) ... My branch presidency is so awesome.
Everything at the MTC is on a whole nother spiritual level. Sacrament, temple, studying, praying, everything its freaking amazing, if you put effort into treating things more spiritual you WILL realize the difference rather than just going through the motions. WITH FAITH YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS. Always be believing in Gods works, put your trust in Him, He will help you better yourself in any aspect. FORGET YOURSELF! Remember that. Piece out love you, all your support puts fire in me. Talk with me sometime. Off to work!! - Elder Jacobson

*disregard the grammar and spelling i have to type at blazing speeds*