Friday, May 27, 2016


What's up everybody!!! so its been the first week in the MTC! It has been absolutely amazing!! sure times get hard but overall its flippin awesome. The food at this place has been the biggest lie of my life, its HORRIBLE well not that bad but basically all processed food and you have to eat as fast as you can or it will get cold! they do hook it up some days with pizza from pizza hut or subway so its kinda evened out i guess.... but the orange juice curse got ahold of me for those who know what that is.. lol. but honestly my experience here is sick, im surrounded by such cool people, i get a long with mostly everyone. but my zone is awesome, for those who dont know what a zone is; its made up of 2 districts which my district is 8 people the other has 7, my district is all Elders no sisters.. which the teachers let us know that it hasnt happened in a really long time so theres definetly something special about it we all work hard and have fun doing it. My companion is Elder Johnston, hes from Rigby Idaho, hes freaken awesome, were pretty similar in personality so we just like to work hard and progress as much as we can. ive really come close to Elder Hansen, and Elder Gentry. We stay focused and know how to have fun, just by building my relationship with these guys im more sad on leaving them then honestly friends back home, such great guys. its just crazy how much we can relate and lift each other up. ive learned so much from my companion and those two elders. my companion is going to Edmonton as well but we wont be companions there, maybe later on though, Elder Hansen is going to New York, and Elder Gentry is going to Alaska!

Since being here i have felt sooo so much happiness, just in this week of being here i have grown and become more of a man than i did these past 2 years. this experience has shown me the fullness of this gospel and how it truly blesses my life, i always talk about happiness but i cant rep it enough because it means so much to me its been great here. Lots of studying about 16 hours a day in the classroom learning but it seriously flys by like none other, the spirit is so so strong here and how much it has improved me as a person and my lifestyle is amazing. Ive learned some major lessons here and one of the biggest ones is that this is not this is NOT about me, its about other people, i have developed a true love for these people and the people that are to come into my life, ive learned to be a very un-selfish person. i cant wait to help others see the fullness of this gospel and how much it can help their lives. Something i've learned here is to always pray, its crazy what sincere prayer and faith can do for you, it literally can help you get through any challenge in life i can testify truly of that because it has made such a difference in my life. we went to the Provo temple today and it was freakin awesome such a beautiful place, its one of the few temples with a cafe in the bottom and most of our zone went to eat there and it was bomb! finally some real food!! i always joke around with my parents about about processed food and how it is filled with estrogen.. man boobies!! hahaha but i'm kinda running outta time and i know im dragging on now, but my overall message is that truly bring yourself unto our savior and its so mind blowing of how much of a difference it can make in your life. it has humbled me like none other, developed a love like none other, and i am working on being like our Heavenly Father by "turning outward" vs the natural man that turns inward and only cares about themselves when things get tough or challenging, its not about me at all. I've learned that the spirit works in many miracles through thoughts feelings or impressions, and being able to recognize those things and exercising fullness of faith it has truly been my whole conversion and has changed me and how i want to live my life. Family means so so soooo much to me and apart of this gospel is Family its the very first thing our savior cares about and along this journey its helping that importance to me and i cant wait to be with family for eternity.  I miss all of you, I love all of you, your support and courage is everything to me, i love  you guys, be sure to shoot me a personal email on how you're doing and such! would love to talk, gotta go!! ill email you next Tuesday!! off to work baby lets get it!

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